Matthew 20:28, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others…”
When we search for implementing partners to support, we look at their leadership first, even if all the banners read “success.” If the leadership displays Christ-like servanthood qualities, is willing to roll up their sleeves, pick up a shovel or a broom if needed, then we will look further into the ministry. Over the years we have observed that the traits of the leadership trickles down to the rest of the ministry and we want to support ministries who have servant leaders.
Proverbs 31:8, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.”
Widows and orphans are often the voiceless ones in society, therefore we place a great focus on supporting sound ministries who are serving widows and orphans.
One of our first ministries in West Africa was among the ex-child soldiers in Liberia. These young boys and girls had no voice during the civil war, and they were crushed by their evil leaders. They were forced to commit unimaginable crimes against their own people, and it was a vivid example of someone who could not speak up for themselves. We search for implementing partners who are ministering to children in countries with civil unrest.
In India some of the voiceless ones are young girls who are born into poor families. Within certain parts of India’s culture, a dowry system that is supposed to be a thing of the past robs these girls of their voice in society. Some are killed at birth, others are forced into prostitution at an early age, and many remain unmarried and become servants to their families for a lifetime. We started a girl’s home called the House of Hope for needy girls, and we will continue to look for mission groups with that focus.
Romans 15:20, “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard…”
When one of the founders prayed about where to serve as a missionary years ago, one of their goals was to reach the unreached. It continues to be one of the guiding forces behind Hope Universal’s selection of people groups to minister to.
Galatians 2:10, “Their only suggestion was that we keep on helping the poor, which I have always been eager to do.”
The apostle Paul was given a mandate to always help the poor. We will seek implementing partners that are helping societies rise out of poverty by offering skills training, and micro enterprise programs.
We want to be good stewards of the funds that you, and the Lord Jesus have entrusted us with. We will continue to seek out and support trusted implementing partners, and we want you to be confident in knowing that we are paying close attention to their work with our criteria in mind. We will take trips to the various locations and get a firsthand look at how the leadership, and ministry operates. We have found out over the years that phone calls, and reports by e-mails don’t necessarily tell the whole picture. Therefore, onsite visits give a more accurate idea of how things are actually functioning.